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If something catastrophic were to happen because of a faulty pool drain, call the Law Office of Brock Duke and we will explain your options.

pool drain injury

Pool Drain Injuries

Swimming is a great activity when you are trying to relax and cherish the good times with your loved ones. While this is a very relaxing activity, swimming pools can be dangerous for virtually anyone that uses them frequently.

Pool Drains are a perfect example of this. Be wary of the threats that pool drains can pose. If something catastrophic were to happen because of a faulty pool drain, call the Law Office of Brock Duke and we will explain your options.

Pool Drain Risks

Pool drains are powerful and are a threat to children and swimmers of all levels. Uncovered pool drains carry the following risks:

  • Arms and Legs Stuck Inside the Drain
  • Fingers and Toes Stuck Inside the Drain
  • Holding Weaker Swimmers Underwater
  • Hair Stuck Inside the Drain

All of these examples can lead to a possible drowning situation. If you or a loved have been a victim of a swimming accident, call the Law Office of Brock Duke today.