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Patient Abuse is against the law and can result in criminal charges against the abuser.

Alzheimer Patient Abuse

People suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia require around the clock care and supervision. Due to their condition, the patients are often times unable to articulate and report mistreatment making them highly susceptible to abuse. If a patient has been abused or otherwise harmed it is important to understand that the facility is responsible for the negligent acts and decision of its employees. It does not matter whether the harm was intentional (abuse) or unintentional (neglect). Both are against the law and can result in criminal charges against the abuser and a legal action against the facility.

Examples of intentional abuse which can occur inside Alzheimer’s and dementia care centers can include:

  • Physical abuse, e.g., slapping, pinching, squeezing, hitting, punching, choking, and any other action causing physical pain or injury
  • Verbal abuse, such threats of harm or intimidation
  • Neglect, such as failing to watch over, failing to assist with personal hygiene, etc.
  • Providing improper dosages of medicine. (Overmedicated / Undermedicated)
  • Sexual abuse
  • Intentionally denying a patient care, treatment, food or physical assistance
  • Confining, restraining or isolating the patient for malicious purposes
  • Identify theft and financial exploitation

Examples of unintentional abuse which can occur inside Alzheimer’s and dementia care centers can include:

  • Negligent care due to patient overpopulation.
  • Negligent care due to understaffing.
  • Negligent care due to improper training of employees.
  • Negligent care resulting in falling injuries.
  • Negligent care resulting in bed sores.
  • Negligent care resulting wandering around or out of the facility.

Families who entrust a loved one’s care to an Alzheimer’s care center, expect that he or she will be provided for and kept safe. A family should never have to worry that their loved might be harmed or even die, due to neglect or abuse. If you have a loved who has been the victim of abuse or otherwise harmed at an Alzheimer facility, please call the attorneys at the Law Office of Brock Duke.